We want to share Japanese craftsmanship within the limited time we have.

This is our heartfelt commitment.

The Meaning of RENSHI


In Japanese, “Renshi” combines the character “錬,” meaning to refine or forge, and “士,” meaning a person of mastery or a professional.

Together, “Renshi” represents a master craftsman who has honed their skills through the art of forging, embodying dedication to perfection and tradition.

Commitment to Craftsmanship

結婚指輪の鍛造製法 地金を溶かしたり削ったり

All of RENSHI’s wedding and engagement rings are crafted by Japanese artisans. We believe that wedding rings, which are meant to last a lifetime, must possess a level of quality that ensures long-lasting durability.

The “quality” of a wedding ring lies in its strength and durability, materials, and comfort.

Strength and Durability

The Strength and Durability of a wedding ring are determined by its Dimensions, Manufacturing Methods, and Materials.


Dimensions are the most important factor in strength. The concept is quite simple:

“Thinner means weaker; thicker means stronger.”

For example, a ring with a width of 1.8mm and a thickness of 1.3mm will be weaker than a ring with a width of 2.5mm and a thickness of 1.7mm. The latter uses more material, resulting in greater volume and weight, which contributes to its strength.

鍛造の結婚指輪 こう丸 オーバル 寸法比較
Throughout our long careers as craftsmen,

we have seen many wedding rings that have deformed over time. We have repaired them countless times. The common characteristic of these deformed rings is that they are often thin and narrow, such as those with a width of 1.8mm and a thickness of 1.3mm.

Even if a ring is from a famous brand and boasts a beautiful design, it cannot be considered high quality if it easily deforms.

Most of the time, the reason wedding rings deform is that they were weak to begin with, and unfortunately, such rings are still being sold in the market.

While we can fix bent rings through repair, we cannot enhance their strength without adding more metal. Once a ring has deformed, it develops a metal fatigue that makes it prone to further deformation again in no time.

You can be assured with a ring that has solid strength from the start.

At RENSHI, we aim to provide wedding rings that can be worn for a lifetime, which is why we do not create rings with a width of 2.0mm or less, or a thickness of 1.5mm or less due to their weak strength.

Manufacturing Methods

There are two main methods for making rings: casting and forging. Among these, forging allows for the creation of stronger rings.

結婚指輪の鍛造製法 地金を溶かす

Casting is a method of creating rings by pouring molten metal into a mold. During the pouring process, air bubbles can form and density inconsistencies may occur, leading to weakened strength.

Forging, on the other hand, involves directly hammering and shaping the metal to create the ring. This process eliminates gaps from air bubbles, increases density, and enhances strength.


The strength and durability of materials are explained in detail in the following section.

About Materials

The elements required in a material include Strength and Durability, Corrosion Resistance, and Consideration for Metal Allergies.

Strength and Durability

The platinum and gold used in wedding rings are not made from 100% pure platinum or pure gold; instead, they are alloyed with other metals known as alloys.

The reason for not using 100% pure platinum or gold is that their strength is too weak, leading to deformation over time.

鍛造の結婚指輪の素材 プラチナ ゴールド

Platinum consists of 95% pure platinum, with the remaining 5% alloyed with palladium and ruthenium. The inclusion of ruthenium increases the hardness, resulting in what is known as hard platinum.

On the other hand, there are platinum materials that are alloyed solely with palladium. However, these can be surprisingly soft and are prone to deformation if not crafted with precise dimensions.

For this reason, we recommend using hard platinum for wedding rings.

Gold wedding rings are made using 75% gold, with the remaining 25% varying based on the desired color.

Yellow gold contains 12.5% silver and 12.5% copper. Pink gold includes 5% silver and 20% copper. White gold is alloyed with silver, copper, and palladium.

Corrosion Resistance

Corrosion resistance refers to the property of being resistant to corrosion, and at RENSHI, we carefully select materials that are less prone to discoloration.

Platinum does not oxidize and poses no risk of rust. While it may get dirty or scratched, it does not discolor, making it a chemically stable precious metal.

K18 gold varies slightly in its susceptibility to discoloration depending on the color, but generally, there is not much to worry about.

Consideration for Metal Allergies

Metal allergies can vary from person to person, with individual sensitivity to different metals. Some people may find that a small amount of a problematic metal in an alloy is acceptable, while others may experience reactions even with minimal exposure.

While it is essential for individuals to conduct their own research regarding their specific allergies, there are general trends regarding materials that are more likely to trigger metal allergies.

Among the materials used in platinum and gold wedding rings, palladium and copper are commonly associated with a higher suspicion of causing metal allergies.

Materials that contain palladium include Pt950 and K18 white gold.

The amounts present in each are as follows:

  • Pt950: Approximately 2-3%
  • K18 white gold: 10%

For those with palladium allergies, Pt950 is generally not a concern. However, it is advisable to avoid K18 white gold.

Materials that contain copper include all types of K18 gold.

The amounts present in each are as follows:

  • K18 yellow gold: 12.5%
  • K18 pink gold: 20%
  • K18 white gold: 7.5%

For those with copper allergies, we recommend platinum. If you prefer gold, it is advisable to use extremely high-purity gold, such as K22 or K24, in combination.

If you would like to know more about metal allergies, please feel free to consult with us.

About Comfort

To achieve a comfortable fit for wedding rings, it is essential to have sufficient thickness and a rounded inner edge that softens the corners of the ring.


Rings with sufficient thickness can create a well-rounded inner curve.

Thin rings have limitations in shaping the inner curve, leading to sharper edges that may catch on the skin.

When the inner side of the ring is nicely rounded, it allows for a smoother fit. The added curvature increases the areas where the skin can move, reducing the feeling of pressure and alleviating the phenomenon where the skin may pinch when wearing the ring.

For wedding rings that are meant to be worn for a lifetime, we want to pay careful attention to comfort as well.

Why Our Prices Are Affordable

鍛造の結婚指輪 ペア着用イメージ

You might think that Renshi’s wedding and engagement rings represent a price disruption. However, that is our intention.

The reasons are twofold: The Passion of The Craftsmen and Craftsman’s Fee.

The Passion of The Craftsmen

In the limited time we have,

we want to deliver Japanese craftsmanship.

Endangered Species

Currently, the number of jewelry craftsmen in Japan has decreased to the point where they can be considered an endangered species, and there is little to no new talent being cultivated. The jewelry industry is also aging, with many craftsmen being in their 40s at best.

A Skilled Craftsman

A skilled craftsman grows by gaining experience and knowledge through practical work. However, the economic downturn in the jewelry industry has created an environment where it is difficult to cultivate excellent craftsmen.

For example, a craftsman capable of setting gemstones worth 10 million yen into rings or necklaces is someone who has experience working with stones worth several million yen multiple times. However, such opportunities have decreased, resulting in a loss of chances to gain experience.

As a result, the generation that survived the bubble era possesses the highest level of skill, yet that expertise is at risk of disappearing without being passed down.

Japanese Bridal Jewelry

In Japan, it has become rare to find Japanese artisans creating wedding and engagement rings, even among bridal jewelry brands. Many brands claiming to be “Made in Japan” often have foreigners in Japan actually doing the hands-on work.

Japanese craftsmanship is indeed exceptional. In fact, there is a significantly higher number of Japanese brands that focus on the “wearability” of wedding rings. Surprisingly, even well-known international brands often do not prioritize “wearability.”

The Dark Side of Cheap Wedding Rings

While there are many high-quality wedding rings available at a high price, finding a low-cost yet sturdy wedding ring is quite challenging. This is because the price of a wedding ring is determined by the amount of material used.

To achieve a low price for a wedding ring, the quantity of material must be reduced. As a result, the rings become thin, weak, and more prone to deformation.

If someone were to explain that a ring has low strength and a high risk of deformation, would you consider purchasing it, even if it were cheap?

To me, it’s akin to selling a house that has “poor earthquake resistance and leaks during rain.”

Unfortunately, the reality is that “subpar wedding rings” are being sold without such explanations. The sellers are fully aware of the weaknesses of these products.

We aim to break this vicious cycle.

In a Limited Time

Due to the aging and decrease of craftsmen, the time to deliver “Japanese craftsmanship” is running out. This is not only true for the jewelry industry but can be said for various fields.

Amidst this situation, we aspire to deliver “Japanese craftsmanship” to as many people as possible.

We want to deliver well-crafted wedding rings, whether they are expensive or affordable.

That is our heartfelt desire.

Craftsman’s Fee

We are certainly not selling at a discount. In fact, our craftsmen’s fees are higher than those at typical jewelry shops.

In general, jewelry shops calculate their prices based on the “material cost + craftsman’s fee,” and then multiply that by 2.5 to 3 times (with some brands even going as high as 5 times).

In this sense, the wedding and engagement rings from Renshi can be considered as being sold at “cost price.”

For you, this means “affordable and reasonable,” while for the craftsmen, it represents “high unit fees.”

At first glance, this may seem contradictory, but it has been made possible by allowing you to “directly request from the craftsmen.

Meet the Craftsmen

錬士の職人紹介 伊藤東

Azuma Ito

A craftsman who specializes in custom-made and one-of-a-kind jewelry, boasting a wealth of experience in creating numerous pieces.

Even when faced with low labor costs or requests that do not prioritize quality, this craftsman, embodying the diligent spirit of the Japanese, insists on maintaining high standards in his work without cutting corners.


Fumio Kuniyoshi

A genuine jewelry artist primarily engaged in creating high jewelry. This craftsman excels at producing pieces that reflect a unique worldview, stemming from a free-spirited imagination.

With over 3,000 creations to date, more than 90% have been sold. The piece that fetched the highest price is a ring featuring a 3-carat pink diamond, which exceeded 200 million yen.

錬士の職人紹介 境敏男

Toshio Sakai

A veteran craftsman who became independent as a jewelry artisan at the age of 24 and has honed his skills for over 30 years.

Unlike many craftsmen, he possesses remarkable initiative and flexibility, which allows him to accommodate any jewelry request. As a result, he still has numerous business partners today.



Holds the prestigious “GIA G.G.” certification as a gemologist.

Fluent in Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean, he is a diamond expert active not only in Japan but also throughout Asia.


Eiichi Kuniyoshi

Primarily responsible for the management, planning, and design of RENSHI.

With a diverse background involving jewelry sales, production, store management, and company establishment, he has seen both the inside and outside of the industry. As a result, he aims to deliver truly exceptional wedding and engagement rings through the planning of RENSHI.

Experience the elegance and durability that comes from our dedication to Japanese craftsmanship.
